The cliche, “That’s it in a nutshell,” I like it,things were and are written by others, other than thoughts in the book, This I Believe. I believe ,the word insecure,is a word a protestant would use for most of the,if not all of the writers in the book
I like it when at the conclusion of a movie, one sees, THE END, get my point? This I believe, their is a end to life on earth. The word is, inevitable, “A FACT.”
When I was in grade school, in the 1950s our homework was to find in a book or magazine, something we liked, believed in, etc., etc., bring it to school and present it to the class and be graded on our work. I went home, hated homework but to my surprise picked up a “Readers Digest” and read notes or just food for thought stuff, at the bottom of a page. I read this:
One of the greatest tragedies on earth is the murder of a beautiful theory by a brutal gang of facts. ” Author unknown ”
By the way, thought is my favorite word.
The year 1969 , the U.S. put a man on the moon.
I also believe, there is a new life and story after this one on earth. I have never been to Heaven, hope or believe, I’m going there, and yes I am a protestant that believes stories I read in the bible.
The book, “This I Believe,” was fun and sad. I do know all the things exist in the minds of the people who wrote in the book but the other book,the bible as incomplete as some would think,is a question but it is sanctioned by God and this I Believe and know for a fact
At around 60, I was part of a group therapy, 10 or 12 meetings, my choice, orchestrated by a psychologist, a chaplain and a psychiatrist. In the group were a Buddhist, a Christian, an atheist, etc., etc., the group was called “Finding Your Spirituality.” It was fun but confirmed to me,that people are really out there, lost, etc., “Space,” “Ether,” and they spend a lot of their lives time in question. Different, yeah?
This I Believe, if the people of this great nation do not stop dramatizing, lying and quit wading in a insecure state of mind, there will be no reflect, no subconscious or ether. Try to imagine now.