I can barely remember the day but there was a new student and I didn’t know if I would have any classes with him until he just walked in. He glanced around, I guess trying to get a feeling for his new surroundings but, it just so happened that I glanced up at the same time he looked at me and, we made eye contact. I had that weird sense that I knew this kid although I’ve never met him before and he knew me but he didn’t even know my name. Even though I had no idea who he was, I gave a slight smile and went back what I was doing before with little thought to the “event” that just occurred. About a week a later I was just gazing about in my class when I caught the new kid staring at me. I still didn’t know that much about him except his name and that he was from Texas. At first I thought there was something wrong with me the way he starring, like I had an alien life form on my face. And what made it worse was he didn’t look away when I caught him staring at me, he simply just returned the stare boldly. This continued for about a week and the looks became more of a “who-will-look-away-first?” kind of thing rather than the subtle glances that we used to give. I still laugh every time I think about the time one of my friends witnessed my stare down competition with the guy from Texas and nicknamed him “The Starer”. It wasn’t until about three months later until I had an actual conversation with “The Starer” . I remember talking about the class we were in, and laughing because of all the strange things that the other people and teachers did alike. And that first conversation lead to other conversations and, as time passed the things we talked about came more naturally and I got closer and closer to “The Starer“. I’m still find it curious how something as simple as a glance can lead to a strong bond between another person. I believe in the power of a glance. A glance has the power of laying the foundation for relationships to build upon. Without that simple glance towards the door I wouldn’t have the relationship with “The Starer” that I do now. That is the power of a glance.