I believe that school is not necessary to be successful. People put so much emphasis on school, yet they will forget the majority of things that they learned. Kids stress too much about school, and may even commit suicide due to that. In addition, there are countless famous individuals who either did not go to school or failed out of it. There are also may people who led me to believe that high levels of education are unnecessary for the remainder of life.
My mother is the main person who had led me to believe this. She grew up on a farm learning basic things from her parents, who were not very scholarly. She was in her late teens when she came to the United States and in order to learn the language properly, she volunteered at the retirement home and talked to experience individuals. As of now, she is a very successful person in comparison with her siblings who went father than her in school.
Edward, my father, was another factor in my assumption that school is not necessary for success; but he put much emphasis into school when I was growing up. He also had parents who strongly believed in high levels of education, so he went to a very good college and eventually went into very high classes, such as reverse calculus. Despite everything that was taught there, he says now that he hardly remembers anything that was in that class, despite being at the top of his class.
I am now in honors classes and taking the high-level math route like my father, being in 10th grade, but college algebra, but there was one thought that always entered my mind “If countless people made it big without going through this pitiful torture, then why should I?”
So, my parents have helped me realize that effort is the best thing to use in school, but in the end it is the only thing that truly matters. Also, success should not be based just on how much money you make, or how much you know, but by how much you have learned in the end.
In conclusion, I believe that school is not necessary for being successful in life.