What I think beauty is
When I think about beauty, I think about nature. It’s everywhere and real easy to find beauty in it. You may not notice at first, but it’s there. Have you ever been outside during the sunset and just stared at the color of the clouds and the sun? It’s just so beautiful to see the clouds when there purple, red, orange, yellow. Even the shapes of the clouds are so beautiful when they’re all arranged in this crisscross shape when there’s no way that clouds can be arranged .Whenever I see the purple clouds, makes me think about life and how thankful I am of having the people I love and the people who love me. Now when I see the moon at night I think about how equally balanced everything is. There’s the sun and the moon. Then there’s day and night, and that to me is beautiful. Hawaii is the place I think about when I hear the word beauty. The veiw is just so beautiful. There’s the clear water and the sunset, with green mountains in the background and the birds flying around.
My experience for the blind project was pretty hard. I didn’t really experience the whole blind thing because I was mute for a whole day. But I did watch my friends being blind. It was really hard to communicate with my blind friends because I had to use someone else to tell them what I wanted to say by writing it on a piece of paper. When he asked me a question I had to tap, stomp, or clap 2 times for no and 1 time for yes. I also helped one of my blind friends to all his classes but what was hard is that I couldn’t tell them to watch out for things and I also had to walk him to the restroom. When I went to lunch I couldn’t tell them what I wanted in my wrap but I pointed to them what I wanted. Usually I’m a quiet kid but I wanted to talk so bad at times, it was unbearable. Also during lunch some of the people were moving their drinks so they couldn’t know where it was at, but gave it back to them. So, that’s my experience of being mute and what I think real beauty is.