When was the last time you felt deep desperation or exuberant? Maybe some of you would silently smile or would breathe a sigh of relief when they recall those times. If you can catch that moment and feel what you have felt, you are definitely playing a game, called LIFE. It has bunch of common with the other video games, except it does not have a save or load option.
As I said, this is game. Just play with it. Sometimes you might have to think somewhat seriously but not always. Every moment and event will soon pass you. After facing all the various and splendid events, only the feelings that you have faced will be left behind in you. Even if some massive and taxing situations tighten your throat, you will soon be all right because it is just another moment which will be gone and what is left behind is a small piece of memory. Also this game doesn’t have exit button. You can turn it off only when you finish this game, so if there is no exit, why don’t you just play with it.
If you want to win this game, you need “experience” like killing monsters. Most of things that we do in normal life can be “experience”, Travel, study, exercise, and even play, too. You can obtain experience and knowledge but cannot discard those. On the other hand, you can give your knowledge to other people but nobody can deprive those from you. These are the reasons you need to be brave to attempt to do whatever thing as much as possible and tryout to learn from those as Frederick Nietzsche said, “That which doesn’t kill us makes us stronger!”
In many ways life contains similar strategies and characters that video game also does, but there are some parts that makes a distinction between them. You have only one chance in each moment to decide where to go, what to do, and whom do you want to become. So don’t make a crucial mistake, but try your best and do the fullest!