Truth & Justice
Throughout my life there has been several events that have significantly shaped
and molded the person I have become. Of these occurrences none stand out more than a
event that occurred last March while I was employed with Publix Supermarkets.
At the time I was closing 4 years with the company and I was in charge of
ordering, stocking, and organizing the Dairy Department which was a sub department of
the General Grocery Department. I put my time in, worked my 14 hour shifts, came in
when ever the management called, and rarely took breaks or lunches. I had my ups and
downs and very frustrating times until one day… One day I had finally had enough.
One morning, at 3 a.m., as I was getting ready to go to work, my truck would not
start and I did not have enough time to open the hood to see what was wrong, so, I
hopped into my wife’s car. As soon as I get to work I find my manager and tell her about
my situation. I also explained I needed to leave around noon that day because my wife
started work at 1p.m. and further explained that whatever work I didn’t finish then that I
could finish the next day or perhaps receive some assistance from her stock crew. Her
reply was, “If you don’t finish your work you’ll have to find a way to come back and
finish it today.” I was outraged but I kept my mouth shut and in my outrage I annihilated
my assigned tasks except for a small 4 foot section containing my “Jello” product, then
clocked out at 11:32 and left the building without any permission from my superiors.
Once I got home my wife said that my manager called home asking for me, I did not call
them back. The next day of work my manager pulls me in the office and informs me of,
my week long without pay, suspension. My blood was boiling…
How could I come to work after taking my wife to work then pick her up at 10pm
then come back to work at 3a.m.? I have gone longer without sleep but the underlining
principle that I stayed after and bailed her department out of jams countless times and the
one time I ask for a extremely valid understanding, I get nothing. She brushed me off like I
was the least of her problems. In my opinion if I took the employers stand point I would
have rather have an employee come in and finish some work rather than have that person
call off and leave me totally short handed. Every person I talk to about this event tells me
that I should have called in sick, is that what this world has come to, being dishonest in
order to protect our employment from daily misfortunes that could happen to anyone?
I do not believe this, to this day I still believe being honesty prevails for one reason, I quit
after my suspension and six months later the store manager of that Publix found out what
happened, contacted me and offered me another position at the same pay rate with less