A wise man by the name of Xue Tao once said, “Busy streets and country roads are empty without good friends.” I believe that he is right. It seems to me that the best relationships – the ones that last – are the ones that are tooted in friendship. (Dana Sculley) Friendship is the base of our personal and social lives.
When We think of friends we think of people at school, but that’s not exactly what they are. A friend could be your parents, siblings, spouse, pet, or an object. Everyone needs to have someone. There are orphanages in other countries where babies don’t thrive because of the fact that they are not touched or loved. The human touch and love are necessary for normal development emotionally and physically. A friend is needed because they can help you overcome weaknesses, fears and hard times. A true friend is someone who walks in, even if they’d rather be else where, when the world walks out.
I ran Cross Country this year and in doing this I not only gained a lot of friends, but in return they gave me confidence and belief in myself. I noticed a change in my attitude and how I acted. I no longer care what others think, I dress and act how I want and not what they might want to see. I stand up for what I believe and people respect me for it. I walk down the hallway confident in who I am because of my friends. I gained so much from them and all they did was accept me for who I was and just show a little kindness to an awkward freshman. I will always remember this year and how my new found friends boosted my self esteem and confidence.
Everyone needs to know that they matter and a friend is someone who can give that. They can give us many things. Many people will come into my life but only friends will leave footprints on my heart.