I believe that working hard and correctly leads to success My father grew up working in the strawberry fields in Watsonville; his family was very poor always traveling from Watsonville and Mexico to find any work to make money for their family of ten. My father was the middle child but he was the hardest worker in the family, he was the fastest strawberry picker and the one making the most money and was keeping food on the table. He told me that he always worked hard and correctly not because he liked to pick strawberries but because he felt that if he worked hard and correctly on everything he did it would get him far in life. Sure enough it did he is one of the top ten Technicians/Shop Forman for Mercedes-Benz and in the top 5 in the United States.
When my father told me this story when I first started going to school it really stuck to me. I always lived my life by it, everything I did mostly in school like studying or projects I always worked hard on. I do confess that there was one test in high school where I did not study and took the test with what I knew, and it didn’t work out I didn’t get the grade I wanted. There was also another point in my life where my belief was reaffirmed and that was in my junior year in high school on the football team. My first two years of football I was considered an average player while the others that were starting over me were bigger and stronger and were being considered the leagues defensive leaders. I accepted that they were starting over me because they were better players than me, but it wasn’t until my junior year I found out that some of the players were taking steroids. It really got to me and I decided that I was going to take the starting position and prove to them and myself that using the easy way out wont work, I trained non stop my junior year, all through summer until my senior year. I made sure I learned every technique correctly and pushed myself beyond my limit, I had my dads support and he also helped me train, he was always there to tell me “ If you work hard and correctly it will lead to your success”. All my hard work paid off when I took the starting position my senior year and was placed third in the Delta River League for the most sacks that season.
I owe it all to my dad and mom for teaching me to never back down and always work hard and correctly. I have great respect for the people that work hard and never give up because it’s a very hard and stressful thing to do, but those who do work hard know the great rewards that fallow