This I Believe
I believe in karma. Karma means what goes around comes right back around. I myself experienced karma. I was in a relationship with a girl named Sandy. We got together during the Thanksgiving Break. It was my freshmen year and her sophomore year. In the beginning, everything was going good. We never fought everything was going smooth. When we were together, we were both happy. Time went by and now I’m in the tenth grade and she moved up the eleventh grade. We didn’t go to the same school. In fact, we are from different neighborhoods. She lives on the East Side and I stayed on the North Side. So we tried to work hard on staying close and seeing each other as much as we can.
A year finally came, which is when I started to notice the downfall between us. We sometimes argued about stupid things. I was confused, not knowing what was going wrong between us. I tried to make things better. It only just made things worse. One Friday, I decided to go to her school to surprise her and take her out. I pilled up and saw her holding hands with another guy. My heart was broken; I didn’t want my anger to get the best of me so I just left. That night she called me and started to talk to me like everything was ok. I told her that we have to separate and no longer be together. “Why? What’s wrong?” she said. I told her what I saw when I went to her school.
Shocked and didn’t know what to say. Before she can apologize I hung up the phone. For about two months, I ignored her calls, texts, and emails. I didn’t want anything with her anymore. Christmas came and I got a called not knowing the number. I answered it and it was sandy. It’s been along time since I had heard from her. we talked on the phone for about thirty minutes. Catching up in things seeing how’s stuff going. We both had a relationship going on. About a month later she called me once more, but this time she sounded sad and was crying. I asked her was everything alright what was wrong? She told me that her boyfriend cheated on her. I was shocked and didn’t know what to say or do. The only thing I told her was, “Now you knows how it feels.”
I never knew karma would work, I thought it was something people just said. Like a myth or something. That phone call changed my whole look and belief about karma. Karma doesn’t always have to be bad. If one does something good and gives back the somewhere down the line, it would come back to him/her. So if a person does negative things, negative things would come back to him/her. What I have been threw and learned changed the way I look at things now.