Every time I turn on the TV I find myself overwhelmed by the views Hollywood has on the definition of beauty. The media has put up a set of standards that characterizes a person’s attractiveness or unattractiveness. It feels as if I have grown up hearing the constant repetition of what this world wants me to be and shunned when doing otherwise. The media keeps exposing lies of beauty that are supposed to be defined by weight, promiscuity, and the product that I use. There are other ways to define beauty. I believe we don’t have to fall into the lie of vanity; we can take more into consideration than only the outward appearance of a person. As I look around, I feel as if I am being held to standards that require me to be anything but myself.
Walking through the mall or just opening a magazine, a splurge of ads containing sexual themes pour out. The media has made a sad description of what “beauty” is. It has taught people to believe that if you don’t look like the model then you aren’t beautiful. It sets us up for false hopes and expectations. We live in a society where a certain look is preferred, and we are looked down upon if we do not meet the standards. To identify oneself as an individual almost seems discouraged. When I was in high school I subscribed to two popular teen magazines. My devotion to these two magazines greatly increased and I felt as if these magazines filled a void in my life. I progressed through high school not knowing anything but the latest trends. As I ended high school I began to see people for who they really were. I saw how so many people were labeled and was able to sense their suffering as they were alone and neglected. Soon enough I got rid of the loads of magazines I had. I tried to forget about all of the negative portrayal of beauty and solely focused on being true to myself.
I believe that there is more to a person than meets the eye. I have grown to understand that even though society puts standards and norms on the way we should dress, look, and maybe even act, it should never pull us down to be something we are not. Settling for the style the media wants us to have shows conformity to being average and denies the fact that we are individuals. I believe people should be who they are and not be worried about what other people think or say. By doing this, one can show others the real person within themselves and break free from the typical set of limiting standards.