November 11, 2008
How can one look at themselves as a writer and know what to say? I believe most of my writing shows how I feel; I have made people cry with some of my stories. My freestyle stories are always entertaining and exciting to read if I may be so bold and say so myself. However, I have never actually been able to write under pressure by having a deadline and a topic I must write about with certain grammar techniques and a larger vocabulary. College has told me I have to go from writing “good” to “better”. Perfect is still way down the line.
With the papers I have had to write here at Western I came to realize that I do great papers if I do a few things. One, get extremely organized. Two, do extra research on what I am writing about. Three, ask for help and become the “squeaky wheel” to teachers, friends, and anyone else to help me until my paper makes sense and meets my expectations which are higher than the ones the teacher usually sets for the class.
I know I can do anything if I put my mind to it. In my English class, I also realized that I can do more than I thought I could do. I learned more information on things that I kind of already knew, only with more detail that I can not wait to use in my future freestyle writing or even a school paper. I got to learn now to look much deeper into my papers to find true meanings behind my stories, essays, speeches or anything I could do. I got to push my limits farther that I usually do and I got to expand my horizons to a higher view and again if I may be so bold and say so, I like the new view.