As we approach our apartment building’s parking, lot my friends and I cross our fingers and say silent prayers at the hopes of getting the parking space closest to our apartment. In our eyes, this parking space is practically laced in gold, screaming our names, and may have sent us a handwritten invitation inviting us to park there. Unfortunately, this is the same parking space that is always taken. That is except for one fateful day; the parking spot was open, we gleefully pulled in, and it seemed to be all we could talk about for the rest of the day as we smiled at our luck. This seemingly small occurrence made our days slightly easier and miraculously improved our moods.
I believe in the absolute joy and happiness that simple pleasures can bring. Whether it’s having a good hair day, inside jokes, getting a package in the mail, making the yellow light, or realizing you have an extra hour to sleep, simple pleasures purely make everyday life better. Major happiness, heart-warming greater than yourself happiness, doesn’t happen everyday; it’s just not possible. But small events, simple pleasures, can happen everyday and give a glimmer of happiness into what may have been an otherwise terrible day.
There is one simple pleasure in my life that triumphs all the others, and I can count on it everyday to bring me at least a single moment of happiness. At night I lie in bed dreaming about the excitement that I get to experience with this pleasure when I wake up the next day. Dragging myself out of bed for an early morning class would be an immensely greater pain if I didn’t have this pleasure to push me forward, for I know that what may turn out to be an awful day at least began with something I enjoy enormously. My simple pleasure is my incredible morning cup of coffee, with a dash of vanilla crème and two sugar packets, to be exact. Though something so small, trivial, and routine may seem like the last thing to have any influence, nothing has more of an impact on setting my day on the right track than that small, dark, aromatic cup of coffee. I appreciate the happiness it brings to me, and notice how much importance rests on this simple pleasure I benefit so greatly from.
These small and simple, yet abundant pleasures are around every corner in our day-to-day lives, more than any of us may realize. Though we normally take these tokens of delight for granted, they are the main basis of our emotional well-being upon which greater events can add to. By recognizing and appreciating the pleasures, we can create an overall sense of happiness and a positive outlook on our lives. By taking this time to enjoy that warm blanket just out of the dryer, or hearing your favorite song on the radio, a warm glow of optimism and contentment blankets our minds, attitudes, and they way we view our lives.