World Peace without World Chaos
I am a sixteen year old girl living in Washington State with my parents and little brother. I’ve learned, over the years that some people are capable of doing nice things for each other peacefully. I believe that, world peace without world chaos can happen. We can coexist in peace and harmony, and be civilized to each other.
We can coexist with one another if we all just can accept each other. Accepting everyone for who they are, no matter what, is the main problem. Not everyone can accept gay lifestyles or even having a different color of skin. I’ve personally had this problem. One of my best friends is openly gay and is absolutely an amazing person. One day when we were walking around the mall together, a group of guys started following us around saying obscenities that would make anyone’s ears bleed. They continued following us for quite some time, and ended up trying to pick a fight with him. We had no choice other than to run. So we did, all the way to the car. The look on his face once we reached the car nearly broke my heart. He was hurt and confused, and started to cry. All I could do was start crying too. He’d never experienced something so hurtful. I’ll never forget what he said to me the very moment we got into the car. He said, “I never in my entire life thought anyone could be so mean.” I think that if we can just accept each other, no matter what, we could be totally be at peace. Being civilized is just the beginning.
Loving one another is an important part of world peace. If everyone could accept themselves or others for who they are, the world could be a better place. Parents not accepting their children are more than likely the beginning of this problem. When a parent tells their child to change just because they look different or don’t like how they act, they are causing their self-esteem to be crushed. This in tern makes them hate everyone who is different. In reality, everyone is different. But, with people who hate each other because of who they are or what they act like, makes it so hard to live in this world. World peace is within reach, if you can just learn to love everyone.
Live how you want to live, love who you want to love. If someone tells you any different, they are wrong. It’s your life to live; it doesn’t matter to anyone else. Love is love end of story. The world is not an easy place to live in, but complete peace can be reached. If only starting with one person giving a homeless person some spare change will change the place that we live in today, let’s start a new revolution. Give peace a chance. It’s possible to reach.
World peace without world chaos is very much possible. Love everyone for who they are, live your life in peace and don’t judge someone before you know them. The world can be a very good place to live. We should start making it easier.