O’Neil York
This I Believe
I believe that people we meet, know, or just pass by on the street have an irreversible affect in our everyday lives, whether it is good, bad, or a mixture of both. Starting on a personal note, my grandfather will always have an influence on my life, although he is no longer on this earth. People that are dear to our hearts never leave us, but they live on through us. They teach us special things that are stored in our memories, like how to love, or simply riding a bike.
Then there are those people that you thought were your friends, or people that “loved” you, yes used in the past tense. These people also have an affect on us. We learn through actions and experiences. Heartaches cause us to grow stronger and persevere through many types of pain. We also are affected in the way that we learn to pick our fights, and what situations are worth being upset over. An ex-boyfriend has the power to change your feelings about love, or your opinions on many other things. An old best friend may hurt you beyond belief and teach you not to trust anyone. These people can also have a positive affect on us they can bring us up when we are down, and help build our character to make us who we truly are. Personally I have had a loved one die and I have had my heart broken, but I think I am a better person today because of their influence and the inspiration or hurt they caused.
Next, people that pass us on the street that choose to frown or smile affect us. They can brighten our day and give us motivation or they can make us angry and irate. We look on others for everything as part of our nature. Truthfully we are all a mixture of the people we know, which makes us unique because we all get the chance to make various new friends, or find new enemies.
As I walk through the halls I love to see someone laughing or smiling. The word “hey” can make someone’s day better. When I get upset all I need is someone to make me laugh. Isn’t that how we all are? We are just yearning for comfort day to day.
When it is all said and done people have an undying influence on us. They build us up and they break us down. Life is about the struggles we overcome, the people who cause them, and the people who help us through them.