Life is like a Rollercoaster:
On December 23rd, 2004, my uncle died of a brain tumor. Although I was young, I vividly remember the feeling that came over me. A burning sensation heated the pit of my stomach, and my bones immediately became weak. I couldn’t help but brake out in tears, as the image of his face became imprinted in my vision. My life changed forever.
Although this day was tragic, it helped me realize the importance of remembrance. Before the incident, I didn’t really appreciate life or take the time to understand it. Every morning I would get up the same as the last, and go about living like it was just another day. It wouldn’t be much different from the day before, except for the clothes I wear and the food I eat. I went about living casually, not taking advantage of what life had to offer. I never thought about the big picture.
Shortly after his death, I understood the more important things. Life must be cherished. It must be grasped with each second, and ridden to the fullest. I never realized that everyday when I kiss my mom goodbye, that it could be the last kiss we ever have. She could be here one day, and the next gone. My life could drastically change in the matter of a second. I now know to always treat my loved ones with respect and kindness, and to not take them for granted. Each moment spent with them could be the last. I’ve become more aware that life is a short ride, and is like a rollercoaster. I wait in line forever, but the ride itself is over shortly. I can push myself to the limit and only hope that the outcome is good. Life is wasting away second by second, and I don’t want it to pass me by.
When I look back on the day he died, I can physically feel something arouse inside me. Now I’m not sure if it’s the pain of losing him, or what his death helped me learn, but I believe it’s a little of both. I can still hear myself crying, but I can also see myself growing. Not the kind of growing I do when I get older, but the type that expands when I become enlightened. If I’m ever having a bad day, I think back to his death and remember how I felt then. However I’m feeling now doesn’t seem as bad. It in fact improves my outlook on life, and my sense of appreciation.
I believe in the power to remember. Looking back on this specific experience has helped me to grow as a human being. It has helped me appreciate the people and things that surround me. It has helped me to cherish each moment, knowing that life won’t always turn out the way I want or go according to plan. Most importantly, it has helped me to love each and every quality life has in store. I will live it not going by a plan, but i will live based on my beliefs, before it’s too late. Without remembrance, I would be nowhere.