In my life so far, I have found to be true and true again this one thing: Balance. Once, in the locker room, I was shut inside a closet by some of the bigger people. It felt so humiliating, waiting fo rthe teacher to unlock the door and get me out. Ever since that day though, I kept my foot in the door to stop them. Reflecting back on it though, I’ve always thought that because there are unkind people in the world, there must be kind ones to balance them out. The natural way of things.
Balance is important in other instances as well. With too much fat, the body will become obese and prone to sickness, but with too little fat, the brain will not function properly. Balance. If everyone in the world was good, or there was no unkindness and evil, then how would we define good. Without evil, there is no good, and vice versa.
I rejoice in the world seeing that there are 10000 terrorists out there, waiting to take someones life because if there are 10000 bad people, then there must be 10000 good people out there waiting to save people from those terrorists. Balance.
In the uncertian and sometimes dangerous hallways of the common middle school, I can count on one thing and one thing alone. Balance. If a teacher assigns us enough homework to keep me up until 10, then I know that somewhere in the past, or somewhere in the future, there will be a time when we have little or no homework to do.
All is all, the world will balance itself out eventually, and the species will coexist together nicely. Not now though. Now is a time of imbalance and turmoil. Humans are destroying the planet. But this is expected as well. Sometime in the future, all the world will be wel again. A balance of balance and imbalance.
With all this to comprehend I know I can only understand a small part of the world but the one thing that I know that I will see through is…. I don’t need to say it again.