This is Believe
Our Past Experiences Make Us Who We Are Today
I believe that our past life experiences make us who we are today. Most of us can say that we have had less than desirable things happen to us or have been in challenging situations to where at that moment we lose all hope.
I believe those times make us stronger and more able to deal with future problems that may arise. I’ve been there. I’ve battled issues that at that moment, i gave up hope. I gave up on a happy, “normal” life.
My parents divorced when I was nine. I had been married and divorced by age 19. My father survived a massive heart attack when i was just 20. Shortly after the heart attack, he told the family that he was gay. The age of 21 really seems like a blur, although unfortunately i still remember it vividly! I ended up in a mentally and physically abusive relationship, battled addiction and survived suicide while my mother was on her way to becoming the alcoholic that she is today. She found the same kind of man i was dealing with- an abuser!
In such a short time span, many events brought me down. However, as terrible as they were, they made me who I am today. I would change nothing for these times made me wiser. They were life lessons. I can now understand and appreciate that to TRULY be happy, you must know what misery and unhappiness feels like first.
Today, I have the most wonderful husband, two perfect, beautiful little girls and the happiest life that I always wanted. My experience just shows, that just because you lose hope, does not mean there isn’t hope to be had.
If I could have just foreseen the future, I could have had some hope. But you have to live to learn. The experience makes you stronger. It makes you who you are right now- today! THIS I BELIEVE!