This I Believe
I believe that in life everyone should get a break every once and awhile. I believe this for many reasons so far in my life. The first reason I believe this is because we all make mistakes and sometimes we should get another chance. Another reason why I believe this is if you were the one that is in trouble or about to get fired what would you want them to do give you a break or you be in trouble, without a job, or not knowing how you’ll feed your family. In these times losing your job would be devastating to you and your family also, when I was younger when I would get in trouble for saying something I wasn’t supposed to, or even getting in a fight with my brother my dad would make me put vinegar in my mouth to punish me and when I was about to take a sip of it my brother would start telling my dad not to do it and just give me a break this time. Even though my dad usually didn’t listen that term stuck in my head and I still remover it all the way to today. That is why I believe that in life everyone should get a break every once and awhile.