I believe that life is fair. I believe this by my mom’s surgery that almost killed her. She had to get surgery so she wouldn’t get cancer in the future.
The surgery went wrong when the stitches in her stomach opened. Then, she had blood inside her lungs. The veins in her legs would close and open. The blood would form into little chunks, and could actually clog the heart. Afterwards, the doctor said she had Deep Venus Thrombosis. She was sent to the hospital for 3 weeks, and was given donated blood. She started bleeding a lot, and the doctors found out they gave her the wrong blood type. When she wouldn’t stop bleeding, they put a little “filter” in on one of the veins in her neck. She was on medication when she was out of the hospital.
After the surgery, she got a letter that said she was now a United Stated citizen. She had the opportunity to go to El Salvador for 2 weeks. She could now visit my grandparents. My mom is a regular woman now. She got out of the medication last year, and got the “filter” removed from her vein.