This I Believe Essay
I believe in the passion of every person in existence to be unique in their own perspective of life. People have every right to be who they are, but are just as equal to the next person. Many people have different personalities and express themselves differently in many different situations. It doesn’t mean anything is wrong with them, or that they are weird, it just goes to show you that they are different from other people. There are three examples of public situations where people are sometimes looked at as abnormal or different.
Some people express themselves through objects or clothing. In a public place or street, people may express themselves by wear bright, vibrant clothing, or maybe all black and obscene clothing. Many people would call them abnormal or even weird, but reality, they are expressing their uniqueness. They are showing the public who they are on the inside and out. I believe every person has this right to express themselves in any way they can find to tell the world and all the people in it who they are and what they stand for.
Another way people express themselves to the world is the hobbies they may have and like to do. A person’s story can always be told by their interest in what they like or can create. One hobby that might be labeled as different is collecting string. Some people find this interesting, but very few thing its normal. It just maybe the realization of not being something most everyone does and that’s why some people find those sorts of things to be different. Each person has their own likes and dislikes. It just so happens to depend on their point of view. Hobbies can really revile a lot about that individual’s personality.
Everyday people have their own perspective of what is a good job for them. Some people have jobs such as a court recorder. Not many people would not want to listen to a court and jury to try to catch absolutely every word that is being spoken. Another job that is rare to find the right person is a radio personality. The position takes a special person to click in and be productive and be right for the job. No matter the case, in order to be happy, the job must fit the unique individual person.
All in all, I believe that people should be able to be who they are and comfortable with themselves in society today. The human population should be happy with who they are and what they stand for in themselves and in life. No matter what clothes someone wears or what job they do, people should be free of the stress of being ridiculed for being themselves and enjoying life for all its worth. Life is too short to worry about whether someone is dressed normally. I believe in the right to a person’s unique style and justify the right to be who you are no matter what.