Throughout time, the concept of good and evil has been debated.
Everyone holds their own beliefs about what is right and what is wrong. Many
people believe the same things about what is good or evil and through that,
laws were created. However, I believe that right and wrong only exists through
each person’s individual perceptions and therefore differs between people.
When I was a child, the line between right and wrong seemed to be
clearly drawn. I would always bring and share my collection of Power Ranger
action figures with other kids. Sharing was considered a good thing and the
teachers encouraged. We were taught that getting along with each other was an
important value to learn at a young age. Stealing and hitting each other were
considered wrong and children who did those things were punished. One girl
would try to steal some of my toys because she was at the “mine” stage, and
everything had to belong to her. The teachers disciplined her because she took
my toys. There was a clear line between right and wrong it seemed.
As I grew up the line between right and wrong faded away and was
replaced by a grey area that was completely dependent on a person’s view. As I
grew up, I learn many things about right and wrong. I was always taught that
killing is wrong and people who kill should be punished harshly. If killing is
so wrong, why does the United States government allow the death penalty for
people who have committed major crimes? I believe that killing is morally evil
and that killing in any form is wrong. Many people share this view, and most of
the government shares part of this view. However, the government believes that
death for certain crimes is the right thing to do because of the seriousness of
crimes. As I grew up, I experience the world and learned the line between right
and wrong varies between people.
I realized not every person will have the same views over what is right
and wrong. However, some of the beliefs that the majority of people believe
strongly have become the basis for the laws of our government. People’s line
between good and evil can be very close and most are. However, they can be
miles apart as history has shown us. I believe that good and evil, right and
wrong, are not finite, they are unique to each individual based on their
beliefs and values. It is up to each person to do what they believe is right
even if others believe they are wrong.