This I believe: the world is essentially of the mind and so consequently is organized in our image. I believe that we create certain philosophies to accommodate our curiosities. I believe there is no divine involvement in the lives of the beings on our planet. However, not to seem condescending, I must confess that I find the idea of god so irrelevant that I do not even care to take a definitive stance to refer to myself as an atheist. I choose to define myself as a realist and those that believe in a god I view them as idealists.
I acknowledge that there are those who sincerely believe in the god idea and without that they would have nothing on which they could base their morals, or have hope for salvation: for when all fails there is always a god they can hope to come to the rescue in some form. They only pray to the void. I do not worry about the resurrection or constant punishment in fire and brimstone for the soul since I believe that we become only memories upon our death. Our memories are included in the stories people tell about the past.
When I was a Christian and wanted to adhere to the ten commandments, I especially watched that I refrained from taking the Lord’s name in vain. I grew to see that saying “Oh, my god!” is nothing more than an expression. It is as meaningless as “Oh, man. Oh, boy. Oh, crap.” You get the idea. No, it is not some personal tragic event that led me to the disappointment of my belief in god as some would be quick to judge. It was increased curiosity for something tangible and that also made sense that killed the naïve belief in god. But as far as morals go I think the Golden Rule is very significant in dealing with one another justly.