Take five Minutes
Take five minutes. That is my only request. If nothing else in this lifetime it is ok to stop and look around. Just five minutes is all I am asking. In this fast paced world it is going to be ok. So go ahead and put down your Starbucks or fast food. This is what I see when I take five minutes to look around.
I see four daughters and a wife. I see a family that counts on me every day to support them. I see a hard working wife trying to do her part to support her daughters and yet find time to love her husband. I see four beautiful daughters each trying with their own mischievous personality to please their parents and their teachers. I see a family just trying to make it in today’s world not knowing what the future holds.
I wonder what kind of world I brought my children into. What kind of legacy am I leaving behind for them? I see them growing mentally and physically at a rapid rate. I wonder how they will cope in a world that can be cruel and unfair. I wish I can have them stay the age that they are now, ages four, five, ten and eleven. I wish they can stay these ages forever. I wish I could watch my four and five year just dance in front of the TV set as they try and imitate dance moves. I wish I could stay with them forever. I wish my parents could have spent more time with my children. My parents have missed so much of their grandkids. Busy schedules and school interfere with this. My children are growing at such an alarming rate. I can’t help but wonder if I will be around to see my daughters’ dreams come true. The eleven year old will probably be in sports. The ten year old wants to be a Veterinarian. The five year old wants to become a cheerleader. The three year old wants to become a movie star.
If I take five minutes and looked around, I would sign up again in a heartbeat to be a parent to four daughters. I would gladly do it all over again. I know I will have to leave them behind some day. It will not be my decision to do that. It will be up to god and what his plan is for me. It hurts me so much to know this will come one day. My advice is to stop and take five minutes to appreciate what you have. I will gladly take the little things all over again like the cut knees from falling down or the tears from a best friend arguing with them at school. Stop and think about all the pony tails that we have combed. What about buckling them up in their car seats? Stop and cherish all the nights that we tuck our kids and give them the little kisses and hugs that they want and need.
If I take five minutes and look around, I wonder if my kids will take care of me when I am old and gray. I wonder if they will give me the same care I gave them when they were babies. I wonder if they will support me and my wife if necessary without any problems. I wonder if they will feed me and change me if I succumb to Alzheimer’s not knowing who they are. I hope they will stop and cherish the times they have to tuck me and my wife in bed. I am asking you to stop what you are doing and look around. Life is shorter than we all think. If you do not stop and look around, you will miss it.