When I first started writing about my beliefs, I had a very difficult time coming up with things to say. It is not that I don’t have beliefs or that I lack direction, it is more that I was lacking passion. I believe in so many things, but the belief that I am most passionate about is passion itself. So many times in life, I have been forced to write about subjects or listen to subjects that I am not passionate about. I sat through those lectures and wrote those papers however because I was convinced that by doing so it would lead to my success. And it did. I ended up at James Madison University, an institution in which I could not be happier.
The fantastic thing about college is that for the first time in my life, I can choose which classes I want to take, what I want to major in, when I am going to study or go out. Well while that sounds great and all on paper, it introduces a whole new set of responsibilities. Mom is no longer here to tell me to study or begin writing that paper but really most importantly, she isn’t here to do my laundry.
The question on my mind now and the question that seems to be coming out of everyone’s mouths here in college is, “So what are you majoring in?” My answer is always the same, I grudgingly answer “Management.” Management, yes I am a business major like just about every other person. I chose to be a business major because I assumed my senior year in high school that as a business major I would be guaranteeing myself a fantastic high paying salary and would be driving a Ferrari within a year.
The funny thing about this idea however, is that I lack passion for it. I don’t lack passion for the Ferrari, I just lack passion for the means of getting to it. Passion is a funny thing, without passion, it is quite hard to do most things. For example, I wasn’t able to finish writing about my beliefs the first time around because I lacked passion for the belief I was writing about. Lacking passion can be a big wall in front of your dreams and aspirations. Because I lack passion for management, I know that eventually I will be stopped in my tracks from continuing on with it.
The belief that I have is simple, follow your passion and the money will follow. I refuse to continue learning about something I don’t feel passionate about. I refuse to continue feigning passion about my studies when there is none. Success comes with hard work and my motivation to work hard will come from my undying passion. My passion for what? That I do not quite know yet, but that’s ok, I’m only a freshman.