I believe in personal style. Coco Chanel once said, “Fashion fades, but style only remains the same.” What you wear says a lot about you, and I believe it’s a way of identifying individuals. How will anyone know who you are if you dress like someone else? Fashion is the past, present, and future. It is influenced by the different people and cultures, time periods, and designers creative ability. I’m absolutely head-over-heels for all things wardrobe.
Like most kids, growing up I wanted to dress just like everyone else. I didn’t really step out of the box, and shopped at only certain stores. In fact, my childhood best friend and I had practically identical closets. I would look at pictures of my mom from the past and laugh at her strange out-dated attire, however now a lot of those styles have been reborn. Now I wish I had all her clothes! I appreciate that style goes in cycles, that if it was once in fashion, most likely it will be again. I get a lot of hand-me-down clothes from friends parents, or family friends that are from different generations. I love the variety it brings to my wardrobe and the uniqueness it adds. It wasn’t until I was around fifteen that I turned my thoughts around and I started to look at my closet in a whole new way, and threw away all preconceptions on matching and figured out that I didn’t care what other people thought, I can wear whatever I want!
In the fashion world, designers take pride in their truly unique and often wild collections. Marc Jacobs, Valentino, Oscar de la Renta, and Zac Posen are a few of my idols, with brilliant creativity and mad style. They believe in originality and create beautiful lines of wearable artwork. We can thank each of these designers for the current trends and fashions. In my opinion, they’re equally as influential as
Now I am always scanning fashion shows, browsing “Vogue”, or playing dress up. Being able to show my individuality through the way I dress is a great opportunity. And the options are endless, fashion is always changing and coming back around. I realize that my children will probably laugh at pictures of me in silly outfits, I just hope that one day they’ll learn to appreciate them just like I did. I want them to realize they can be themselves, and show it off through the way they dress. In my life, I would like to continue to pursue fashion as either hobby or career and make sure I keep true to my own personal style and keep it unique.