Most undergraduate students graduate with close to $20,000 in student loan debt. If you plan on going to graduate school which is almost a must these days, you can easily triple that figure. At the same time, the average credit card debt owed by college students is about $2,700, with close to a quarter of students owing more than $3,000. We live in a consumer society that encourages us to spend, spend, and spend. I think all of us are guilty of at times living beyond our means. Debt, money management, and personal finance are taboo subjects but pose challenges all of us must face. So unless you have wealthy parents willing to pay your bills forever, I think I know just the person who can help. His name is Dave Ramsey and I believe The Dave Ramsey podcast is something everyone should listen to, especially college students.
Just who is Dave Ramsey and what’s so great about his podcast? Dave Ramsey is the author of several books on personal finance and host of a weekly radio show, where he has people call in with questions about their money problems and he gives them advice. The podcast is available free for download. I started listening to Dave Ramsey when I began thinking about graduation from in a months with almost $50,000 of student debt. I simply wanted to educate myself more on investing, paying off debt, and managing my finances when I stumbled upon his radio show. Now, I often listen to his podcasts whenever I ride my bike or play it in the background when I study.
At first, like perhaps many of you now are thinking, I thought okay how interesting could a talk radio version of Dr. Phil be? But then after the first time I listened I loved it. He just offers pragmatic advice and delivers it with a direct, comedic approach. He often says, “We offer all the advice your grandmother would, only we keep our teeth in.” Best of all, it is convenient to listen to and FREE. So, I do believe you should take a second to listen to his podcast. I am so in support of him I think he should run for president.