In 1990 my family was struck with tragedy. On a hot summer day in July, my Aunt’s husband was flying to a business trip in a rural town of Arizona. Then due to some complications while landing, the plane crashed. My uncle had passed away at 35 years of age. There is really no explanation to why this happened. Why did my Aunt and her five sons have to be left alone 13 years into their marriage!? It is really difficult to see any reason why this happened to them. My Uncle and his family are great people, so why did they have to suffer through something so horrific when they had done almost nothing wrong to “deserve” this. Then on the other hand when the “bad person” that robs the local bank, gets away, and now lives a perfect life overlooking the beach of Hawaii and my aunt is left struggling to raise her five boys by herself. Life just doesn’t seem fair.
Sure a person can be as negative as they want when something bad happens to them and they don’t deserve it, but that is not going to change anything. My Aunt’s husband wouldn’t show up the next morning perfectly fine just because she was mourning his loss. This was an extremely depressing time as she just lost the love of her life. There has got to be a reason why this horrible thing happened to such a great person while the real person doing wrong is living large. Sure bad things do happen to bad people but we can rationalize that by saying they had it coming, but a bad thing happening to a good person is sometimes hard to understand.
No one really knows why this bad thing happened to a good family, but I do think that it was supposed to happen and nearly everything worked out great.
I do have my own idea as to why stuff like this happens. In the world there really are two main types of people, good and bad. Now the bad people are low, they start a life of crime and sometimes don’t have anything but bad happen because of their actions. Overall the bad are weak. The good people on the other hand, live life right, they make attempts to follow the golden rule, and just flat out try to make good choices. When something bad happens to them they will not fall on there knees the rest of there life, but they will take what happened to them and then grow because of it.
Good people are not deserving of these challenges but they get them, that’s just part of life. Like my Aunt, these people become better and stronger. Bad things happen to good people and it makes them even better. That is what I believe.