I believe in passion. I feel that perhaps the most important part of your life, is finding your passion. Some may find it at the age of thirteen in gym class, others at the age of thirty-three while taking care of their children. Last year I found my passion. My passion is dance.
Over the course of a couple months, dance classes learn choreography. Last year I was a part of a dance that had a love story behind it. As the weeks went on I became more and more involved. It was only a short time before I became attached to the invisible man in the corner. It was then that I realized that dance is more than moving your body.
Dance is about telling a story through movement. It requires knowledge and creativity. It requires emotion and dedication. As music is played and your mind begins to explore the piece, technique is no longer the object of your activity.
Passion can be different for every person. However, every person that has passion has something special. Dance means the world to me because I can find the world through dance. I believe that people should do all they can, take all the opportunities they can reach for. In one situation someday, they will find their passion. Everyone deserves to have a passion. I truly believe the world needs more passionate people.