nature is serenity we go through waves of oceans as a little girl I communed with nature I live in the city now but I never forget natures pristine sense of divine the sun streaming down my back it still bodes peaceful for me like an arc angel and when ever i hurt i think of it or the roses and lilacs at my garden and fresh river air this I beleave serenity can be found in a in a river a simple nature country walk away from the rest it restores the soul till you find that sonnet again and let it bloom its fragrent air its nice to remeber the calm peaceful nature walk in this world with all its all its walls itslike drinking a magical potion of gods creation fancy enough to be beautiful like calm babbling brooks and delicate little flowers its a temptation and I look forward to it its robust buds looking over me and the sunset triggers my emotions like seeing a sea and a river all over again and to hold that potion of a poem breathing fresh air and its sense of divine and mysteriouseness fuming my imagination with delight and agument of inspiration its beauty unmatched natures always bigger then me and when I get desperate I walk down that country road a thousand times letting the suns over me stream down my back