My friends mean the world to me. I would be completely lost without them. They’re always there for me when I need them. My true friends are the only people who truly understand me and my personality because our personalities are all pretty much the same. As Aristotle once said, “A friend is a soul dwelling within two bodies.”
I believe that a friend should never be taken for granted or neglected. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have a true friend. I don’t have much money, I don’t have a bunch of fancy things, but I do have true friends that stick by my side through thick and thin. I have friends that pick me up when I’m down and believe in me even when I don’t believe in myself.
One of my best friends in the world is named Sarah. We are the true definition of best friends. We can have a conversation without even speaking. We know everyone of each others weaknesses, fears, and secrets. She doesn’t lie to me when I ask her a question. She doesn’t tell me what I want to hear; she tells me what I need to hear whether I like it or not. We fight like crazy and then just bust out laughing. I don’t think we’ve ever been in a serious fight.
I feel privileged to have her as a friend. She doesn’t have to be my best friend and put up with me. She chooses to do it. Just like I don’t have to be her best friend and put up with her crazy self, but I choose to everyday because my life would be so boring without her. I choose my friends and they choose me. I am not given to my friends, and my friends are not given to me. I don’t ever take them for granted. I never know what could happen. I don’t want to be one of those people who look back and say,” Wow, I really didn’t know what I had until it was gone.”
I believe that friendship is a privilege not a God given right. Friendship gives peoples lives fun and excitement. Friendship gives people someone to pick them up when they’re down. However, not everyone has friends. Just like every other privilege, you have to earn friendships. Friendships are not thrust upon you. Without friends, life would be very lonely. I know that my friends cheer me up when I’m upset. If I didn’t have my friends I would probably be upset or unhappy all the time. My friends are a big part of who I am.
To me friendship is something special. Friendship is the best present in the world. It should celebrated. I let my friends know how much I love them and what they do for me everyday. I will never forget all of the fun my friends and I have shared together. Those memories, just like our friendship, will last forever.