I believe in ‘Carpe Diem’ and going for opportunities. Opportunities are not supposed to be handed to me. I will work and sweat for my possessions. As a Mexican/American, I was lucky to have been born here, but that doesn’t mean I can be sluggish and not work. As a human, I should seize the thing that no one would want to do, because I am not too scared of managing it.
My parents are always telling me how challenging it was for them in Mexico; how they jeopardized themselves to come to this country. They advised me to finish high school, get an education and be somebody. My mother tells me not to wait for opportunities to come up to me, but to go for them.
As I write, I’m trying to be someone. I’m still in school trying to finish. I study hard and stay after school because I want to be some one. I have many people that tell me how great I’m going to be in the future. One of my football couches said to me “No opportunities wasted.” That means a lot to me. Go after them; don’t be seated; take a stand and reach for them!
I can see a recovered place if every person were triumphant in life, and there was no aggression, brutality, and violence in the world. If people stand up and take opportunities, if people go for the things they want, all the cities, states, even countries would be superior. We should seize the day now before it is too late. Don’t regret now or later. Don’t be a follower; be a leader and lead your life and live in greatness. We only have one life, so let’s make every little second count.
I believe in seizing the day. Go out and do it correctly. I want to live in the moment. Let’s grasp and clutch our lives and make it more extraordinary than it is. Carpe Diem will help my future to be marvelous and terrific! This I believe.