This I Believe
I believe in the power of music. For me, music is always there to help me with life’s struggles. Just a little song can spark the confidence to get through the day, or the inspiration to try something new. Every time I hear a new song on the radio that inspires me, I find it’s easier to get through that day. I always try to write out the name or the title of the song so I can find it later and experience it again and again. Music can help me get perspective to overcome my fears and insecurities or just a tune to listen to in my head while I go about my day. Music has been a meaningful part of my life for as long as I can remember. I have been studying the piano for several years now and more recently, the guitar. These provide me with distractions from the stress of everyday life.
I have found that the thrill of listening to music is enhanced by the way you perceive the song. There are two types of music that bring different feelings when I listen to them. Songs that have no lyrics enable me to create my own interpretation and words to go with it, which is usually relaxing for me. Songs that include lyrics and have a singer can be equally enjoyable. The lyrics are simply poems set to music and often reflect my feelings at that time.
I try to develop a connection to the songs I listen to. When I listen to a song I always envision a story that goes along to it, which generally makes the experience much more gratifying. Some lyrics can remind me of painful experiences or memories in my life, but when they are set to music it makes the feeling or memory easier to bear. In this way, music allows me to see the world I live in, in a different way and provide comfort when I would ordinarily feel stress.
Many of the most poignant and popular songs have been written from a place of deep pain and despair. For example, Eric Clapton wrote one of his biggest hits, Tears from Heaven, while grieving over the loss of his 4 year old son. Eric Clapton has been quoted as saying that by writing this song he was able to bear some of his sadness and go on with his life.
Music has always come naturally to me. Every time I’m upset or stressed, I almost instinctively head to my piano or guitar and begin to improvise music. By playing whatever comes to mind, it relieves me of the emotions that are bringing me down and helps me see my struggles through a different perspective. It can take your mind off your worries, help you deal with your feelings, or provide happiness or motivation. I believe in the amazing power of music.