A Friendly Path
Do you believe you walk this world alone? I don’t. I believe without faith, a person who walks the world would do nothing else but just that, walk. Faith to me is an outer influence on how you live your life day by day. I’m a Catholic and have been all my life. Going to church every Sunday is something I look forward to every week. There are sometimes when I go every other Sunday, only because Saturday nights are sometimes a little fun and waking up early is sometimes a challenge. The lessons at church have an influence on how my week is going to be and how I’m going to change or act better as a person, because I translate each message given to me by the priest into my life. God is someone who I hope and pray every week walks we me everyday and guides me each day.
I remember when I was a young tamale only at the age of 7, I went to this church barbeque where my family was volunteering and helping serve food. The day was a warm 74 degrees with a breeze blowing from the east and clouds hovering over us in the form of farm animals, all around it was a perfect day. I was playing in the playground and was having a blast, when all of the sudden my feet slip on a wet spot where another kid spilled his drink making the playground a hazardous place. My feet started going in all different direction and when I couldn’t get my balance back I fell off the playground falling about 8 feet from the ground. I didn’t injury any part of my body but I felt embarrassed and like a fool. I ran to a swing set all my by myself and I unleashed my tries that fell like a waterfall from my face. This priest that I had recognize was new to the church and came over to talk to me. He told me that even though I might be crying today, sad tomorrow or even anger next week, there is always someone next to me. He said my family and friends will always be there, but also god will always be by my side through the thick and thin. His point on god enlighten me to always believe that on any given day I don’t walk alone anywhere alone. There is always a tall shadow behind me watching over me and lightening my path.
That was over 10 years ago and since that day, the priests words have change my life forever. I look upon everyday as I walk it not alone but with a friend from above. This friend, which I can say will never darken my path or leave my side in a time of need.