Litany for Olam
I am cradled in a promise
That I made before I was given life.
I am the keeper of thoughts
Of all that have lived before me,
Of all that live now,
Of all that live after me,
Of all that walk upright
And of the smallest & helpless
Who don’t understand.
I am to remember that promise:
“We are of the same essence.
All are to me as brothers and sisters;
All are to me as family and my children”
They had promised as I did
Before they were given ife.
So I will care for them
As for myself.
And I will try to tell them
Of the Promise we have forgotten
Or care not to remember.
I will do this not only for them
Nor will I do this for myself alone,
But for what we shall become.
Albert Bernstein
(written ) March 4, 2004