My great-grandmother was the most religious person I ever met. After she passed away, we went through her house and my mom said we could take whatever we wanted that wasn’t already claimed. I knew I wanted her cross that hung in her kitchen but beside that I didn’t really know what I wanted. While I was going through some of her jewelry, I found a round, golden locket. On the front were hands that were praying, and on the back was the serenity prayer that said, “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference.” I took the locket and wore it everyday. Whenever I was scared or lonely I would hold the locket. It gave me strength and made me feel like there was someone there watching me and helping me in my tough times.
One night my mom wanted to walk the dogs and my sisters and I came along. Our dogs never were good at walking on a leash and were running back and forth, and side to side. My sisters and I would run ahead with a dog so the leash wouldn’t get as tangled. We had a lot of fun running around and playing with our dogs. It wasn’t until we got back, that I realized my locket was missing. This wasn’t the first time my locket fell off, the chain would break a lot, but this was the first time I didn’t know where it was. My mom, brothers, and sisters came out to help me look. We searched up and down the walk-way. It was getting darker so my mom got a flashlight and decided this would be the last time we would look that night. I had alright lost all hope of every getting it back and was really upset. While we were walking my mom let the flashlight lower and saw my locket shine.
Afterwards my mom said she was praying to her great-grandmother, asking for help. It seemed like luck was on our side, but if you asked me it had nothing to do with luck. I believe someone up-above was watching and realized I still needed that locket to give me strength. I believe an angel helped my mom find my locket that night. Which brings me to what I believe; I believe in angels and that they helped us all the time when we really need them.