Friends, Family Members, and Cousins that can Help You
I always have a friend, family member, or cousin that I can go to for help because I know that they will help me. I have at least six friends that I know that I can go to for their help. All of my family members I know will help, and at least six of my cousins I know will help me out. I go to one of them for advice, and he/she gives me the advice that I need. One of my cousins was nice to me and taught me how to play basketball.
I believe that having a friend who will help you is one of the best things in the world. If you don’t have a friend that will help you, then are they really your friend or are they just your friend because you are good at something. Having family members help you is another best thing because they are the closest people to your life. Having some cousins help you is the another thing because they can be a really great roll model to you, and they can teach you a lot of stuff.
It was first or second grade and one of my cousins started to teach me how to play basketball. He gave me advice and I listened to him. It worked so whenever I need help with something or advice about something, I go to him for it because I know it will help me.
I can always ask my sister for help in homework because she is two grades above me so she already did those subjects before. If I don’t know how to do one of the subjects, I go to her.
One of my friends, I can ask for help on anything. He will help me and I trust him a lot since we have been friends since first grade. If I need to go by someone’s house because I don’t want to waste my parents gas, I go by his house after school or after practice and wait till the late bus comes or if I call my parents, I will wait by his house until they get there.
So if you ever need help with something, I think you should go to a friend, family member, or a cousin. I think all of them give the best advice and help that you need.