Believing in being a Southern Gentlemen
I believe in being southern gentlemen for several reasons. First off being a gentlemen and a southerner goes hand in hand. I believe in that being gentlemen towards all people, but especially women. I believe in that being a gentlemen shows people your true character and how you are perceived by others. I mean it really shows to women that you have curtosey for them and sometimes it really helps with talking to them. Being a gentlemen has its rewards and drawbacks but I still believe in being one. I was raised to be a gentlemen who was instilled in me through church. So I have always had the belief of being kind to others and helping others if I can, and I usually do so in my everyday life. Some of the advantages of being a gentlemen is you look more civilized and respectable towards others. Also women look to find men who will treat them right and wont treat them any less than the way they would be treated. Women like to be treated like a lady and a gentlemen can do so. Though if you’re too nice to the women she will walk all over you. So it’s good to be careful about how much you do for them, this is one drawback. But above being a gentlemen is to be a southern gentlemen in which I firmly believe. Being a southern gentlemen carries a lot with the name, and I as a southerner I will uphold this title. I mean like people all over the country and the world talk about how polite and mannerly we are. So it’s a good feeling to get that you are complimented on a world scale of how us gentlemen in the south really are. We are different form the rest of the country by our religion, history, and southern accent. Being a southern gentlemen I take pride in the word and myself. I believe that to be a good man you must first be o good gentlemen. In these teachings that have been instilled in me I carry myself very differently than most men. Furthermore I believe that being a southern gentlemen can change the attitude and outlook of life for any man.