I believe in a rebel to a certain extent, there is the ones that disobey there parents and breaks almost all the laws. Then there is the good kind of rebels who stands up for what is right, that’s the kind of rebel I believe in.
For an example Martin Luther King was a rebel because he fought for what was right, that right to have equal rights. In order to do that he had to stand out and say something even though it was breaking the law. If he had not of stood up we probably would still be segregated to this very day. So thanks to his rebellious ways we are no longer segregated.
Martin Luther was probably one of the best rebels but he was not alone. In my own life, I have had to rebel countless times at school and at home. For instance, this year after we got back from winter break we had to take the TAKS test. So some people were so stressed out about it, they where like a chicken with its head chopped off. Then that got me thinking what could I do to try to loosen them up, so I kept thinking then it came to me I could poor candy down stairs. I went to my friend to see if he would help and he said “Yes.”. The next day we went to Wal-Mart bought the candy and during the passing period, first and second we dumped the candy. Then my plan kind of worked, I realized that it relaxed some people. In my rebellion, we had to break some rules but it was worth it, because I also relaxed.
The point I am trying to get across here is that if you see something that does not seem right, whether it’s you seeing your boss mistreat a worker or a teacher treating his students with a lack of respect. Do not be afraid to stand out in the crowd and rebel, do something about because you can probably change it if you just try.
The main reason why I believe in a good rebel is that they are the ones that change the rules for the better good. They are not afraid to stand out in a crowed, say whats not right, and actually do something to change it. Unlike some people who mope around with there heads dangling down and wishing, they would change the rule. So next time you see something that not right be a rebel and do something about it because you never now you might be the cause for change. That is why I believe in a rebel a good rebel and always will.