All recognized socio-political positions in the western world from far left liberal pseudo intellectualism to extremist right wing fanaticism has found just enough “TRUTH” to fuel its invented delusional stance due to one simple principal: FEAR. Collusions on a mass scale fueled by fear manifests itself as what are commonly referred to as the seven deadly sins: Pride the grand daddy of all sins, which could be defined as the excessive belief in one’s own abilities, that interferes with the individual’s recognition of pure truth: the grace of God. Envy ahhh yes, the desire for others’ traits, status, abilities, or situation. Or the destruction thereof, so we don’t have to feel inferior which generates fear. Gluttony An inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires. This is escapism. Fueling distraction so we don’t have to feel how full of fear we are. Lust An inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body. A variation of gluttony it provides similar distraction from fear. Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. Also known as Wrath is in the modern political world the typical result of territorialism, and fascism. We are all wrong so we do our best to make everyone else is just as we are or destroy them in order to not fear them as their very existence disrupts the finely crafted fantasy we have so carefully invented in order to support our delusion. Greed is the unnatural desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual. It is also called Avarice or Covetousness. This is the primary American trait and is fueled by the dangling carrot commonly referred to as the American Dream. Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work. Being able to do this while enjoying supreme creature comforts, at the expense of others, is the penultimate goal and prize of the American Dream.
The majority of Americans are victims of mass multi-generational hypnosis effectively employed by the group truly in power of the modern world on this planet who use divisions of belief systems, borders, paranoia fear and delusion to keep the developed modern world population working as debt slaves and fighting wars – which actually achieves two functions: One – The goals for the powers that be generating huge profits hence power and, secondly it feeds the need for conquest in the general population evolved from ancient territorial rage.
Mankind has questioned the source of this instigating evil force since the dawn of reason. Is there evil, which exists outside the mind of man? Were we truly created by God in his image? Are there fallen angels now called devils who roam the earth seeking the ruin of souls to prove a point to God because they are scared shit of him: FEAR! Every level of existence whether psychological, intellectual, spiritual biological chemical or of some yet unknown physical nature operates on the same principal. Einstein tried to prove that scientifically, but wasn’t allowed to finish for some reason. Maybe because then we wouldn’t need faith any longer, as we would all “know” the truth and the game would be over. The endgame doesn’t have to be checkmate. There is enough here for everyone, rich fulfilling existence if we had the willingness to make that simple profound decision.