As a young boy, I experienced my parents arguing with one another. In fact, I even experienced the view of my father being kicked out of his own home by my mother, yet my father seemed to have no problem with it. Soon it got to a point where this became not a daily but a usual routine. Every time that they’d argue my mother would curse and tell him things that obviously he didn’t want to hear. Yet, my father would pay it no mind and tell my mother as if he was heading off to work a “goodbye, hopefully I’ll see you tomorrow”. No matter how crazy my mother was talking to my father, he always kept his cool, what he would now call respect. From that point on, I now inherit and try to use respect in my everyday life.
Respect, I believe is a much powerful thing. Respect can help you throughout everyday life. However, you must understand the idea of respect. Respect I believe is something that you do and the way that you want people to look at you and speak to you. Yes, this I believe…
Respect does come with a price. If you show your respect, then the mutual respect will reflect on you and given back to you in a positive way. However, if you find yourself being disrespectful, then the same negative respect will return towards you. I believe everyone has their own interpretation of respect, but all in all, it’s just way of you treating someone nicely and more polite and the way you want someone to treat you. I believe respect makes us the people that we are today. Yes, this I do believe…
I believe we as people can all get along as we are all the same race and color, not literally, but figuratively speaking. I believe it affects the outcome or response that someone gives to you. For example, if you talk to someone in a more of a nice tone voice, then the one you are speaking to will respond in the same type of matter. Yes, I do believe respect changes a person’s perspective on someone. Having respect changes everything you do. Yes, of course this I do believe.
For every positive there is a negative. Respect can sometimes often be taken for granted. For example, let’s say you treat your partner with all the respect you could possibly put in, but yet he/she takes advantage and mistreats you and wrongly demands you to do things for her. You may be positive the whole time, but yet she is the negative magnet that mistreats you. With respect no matter how bad of a person someone is, you still treat them with the respect that you would surely love to be given. Gaining respect or earning respect can come as easy as holding a door open for someone who needs an extra hand or even a thank you when someone has given you something. Why, yes of course, this I do believe…