There are many reasons why I believe in God.
I believe in that nothing in this world is coincidence.
I believe that everything that happens in this world is governed by fate.
I believe that something (or someone) has to govern all of this fate.
I believe that these events of fate, whether good or bad, are governed by this force, happens for a reason.
I believe that we all spend our lives trying to figure out what this reason is.
I believe that this is reason isn’t something we can find out while we are alive.
I believe that when we reach the end, we find the explanation to the events before the end.
My sophomore year of high school, I lost my brother to a car accident that completely destroyed my world. On February 15th, 2011, I got a text from my father that my brother had been in a fatal car wreck after being T-boned at an intersection on his way home from class. The doctors had already told him that the situation wasn’t looking good. I didn’t have to hear the later news before I knew that I was losing my brother.
After my brother passed away, I reached a low point in my life. I had reached a time in my life where I felt that nothing in my life would be right. However, several significant events happened that help me get a hold of myself and repair the damage that had been done.
Despite the constant feeling of always getting knocked down when I started to get better, I started to quickly realize that just because one bad thing happens doesn’t mean your life is going to end. I started to notice that the world was full of many wonderful things, and that no matter how terrible something might seem, there is always going to be a reason to continue living the next day.
I believe that there is natural beauty in the world.
I believe that everyone has their ups and their downs.
I believe that this is just a part of life that we have to adjust to in order to get the full experience out of living.
I believe that there is someone somewhere in the universe watching over each and everyone one of us.
This is why I believe in God.