I believe in moving on with life, like a clock. A clock never stops ticking, unless the battery runs out or someone hits it really hard, it’s like the bad things in life we get stuck on and stop to think about how bad our life is, and how it could have been better. When that happens you can give the clock a new battery to make it work or take it to the clock-smith to fix it and it will work again, just like when you say to yourself forget it, I know bad things happen but good things also happen why am I not thinking of them, it is time to move on and keep going like a clock. Don’t waste the time you have, life doesn’t last forever so use it wisely or you can waste it thinking about your troubles. Don’t think that life will always be easy there are hardships in life that will make you want to stop and think about your problem, but just ignore them and move on.
When I was about eleven years old I got a pet bunny, and it was something I always asked my parents for, every week I would at least ask them ten times and finally they gave in and decided to give me a pet: a bunny. Slowly and slowly she grew into a big bundle of fluffy love, and every day I would go to her to hold her, pet her,and let her run in the sunshine. Except on rainy days when I would put on my jacket, take my umbrella and then run to her cage to feed her. One day coming home from school I trudged into the house forgetting about everything except the load of homework I had to complete. When I finished I thought of my bunny and went outside to see her. Running outside I looked for her everywhere. When I found her I gasped at the sight before me, she was laying on the ground, not moving, and her mouth was open. At first my mom and me thought she fainted so we splashed water on her. When she didn’t wake up I knew she was dead. I couldn’t hold back the tears, I felt devastated, frustrated and alone.
Each day after that one I kept on blaming everyone that is was their fault she died. I would spend hours in the land “if only if only” thinking of how good things would be if she had not died. I kept on pulling that heavy sack of sorrows. Each day it would get bigger and heavier and each day I would get more and more tired of carrying it around on my back all day.
What I am trying to say by all this is move on. Don’t stay on a sorrow in your life thinking of how it could have been better,forget about all those bad things that happened move on. If you don’t you will spend the rest of your life never having fun, but only thinking of the bad things that happened, and before you know it your life is over and that’s when you realize that you never accomplished anything. All you did was think of how bad your life is. Don’t carry that heavy bag of sorrows, drop it, think about the good things in life. Move on with life.