Everyone has a right to express how they feel. Everyone has a right to opinion, however, that does not mean people have the right to discriminate against others for how they express themselves. That is the problem with many people in society today. They are quick to judge and slow to understand the concept of things. Many factors can cause discrimination amongst people. The environment among people may make it easy to give into the stereotype, they aren’t given a choice on how they are viewed, it was predetermined before they were even out of the womb. Discrimination can be taught, in society today, it’s taught with subliminal messaging in the media. Parents, teachers, and peers also can make an impression on an individual on how things should be viewed.
People are screaming out to be treated equally, they’re screaming out to be apart of the nation when rules, set by them and their peers, push them away. How can you teach hate, discrimination, and prejudice but hate when someone shows you the same thing? You can not expect to be treated better than you treat others, that’s not how life goes. You can not speak out, and voice your opinions and then not expect someone to come out and speak out on your flaws. Everyone needs to be treated equally to make the world a better place, everyone needs to stand up, speak out, and fight for those who have had their rights stolen for unnecessary reason. We’re a nation fighting amongst each other, we will never grow until we stand as one.
When we were in a depression, everyone was treated the same because it was affecting everyone in some way; now that we are slowly digging ourselves out, people are now being treated as less than a human being for whom and how they love. People are using a book that was created to teach love, tolerance, and equality for everyone, to teach hate, intolerance,and discrimination. Do you think that hurting someone who has done absolutely nothing to hurt you directly, is right? Do you think that because someone feels a certain way, dresses a certain way, or loves a certain it is ok to judge them before talking to them? There are plenty of amazing people out in the world that aren’t given a chance because they’re a little different. This is not how our nation should be, this is not why it was created. We created this nation to be happy and express ourselves, but because of others it is dangerous to do so. This is not right. We have to love one another. This I believe.