I believe in God. I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. I did not always have these beliefs, never doubts, just questions. Back in 2012; my beautiful aunt, Devon, passed away at the age 27 of a massive heart attack. I was only 13, and this was the first lost I have endured in my life.
Seeing my Aunt lifeless on life support, and knowing that even though her physical body was here but her mind was somewhere else, and her spirit was in heaven. In heaven playing on the swing set with her daughter Nadia, who passed away at just 25 days old. With all of us around her begging to hang on to life, and saying “Wake up Devon, wake up” tears running down our face, and Devon over top looking down on us from the gates of Heaven, she was not coming back to this earth.
Ever since her death, every evil opportunity that the devil throws at me, I have felt a presence to say no, and walk away. This presence of Jesus, Devon and Nadia watching over me making sure I hold on to my faith, and spread the word of God.
Ever since her death, I have been having dreams that do not consist of sin, but more glory and my dreams. Voices and Devon herself has showed up and talked to me. She is my guardian angel from above. She has taught me to pursue my dreams on earth but to always put God first because after those dreams are reached on earth, the only thing that is promised is eternal life only if you through God.
I believe that the Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins. Even though Jesus of Nazareth died physically, the word of God lives on, and I believe that if you believe in Jesus and have faith in God that your mistaken sins will be forgiven because God is a forgiven spirit.