I believe in lifting. Lifting is a thing that allows me to compete, compete with myself. No one else can beat me only I can beat myself. It is the ultimate personal challenge I don’t have to depend on anyone else and I don’t have the pressure of any one depending on me. A motto I like to go by is “you can hit the gym as hard as you want and it won’t hit back”, of course you will more than likely be sore the next day or you didn’t hit it hard enough.
The fact that a person can’t buy being in shape makes it something not everyone can have. Only the dedicated and hardworking can do it and that makes it special to me. The best feeling ever is when I know the weight I did last week is less than the weight I did this week. Knowing I am improving from a week to week basis just knowing that hard work does pay off and that I can apply this to everything in life. I like being unique so everything that I can do to separate myself from someone else in the crowd I will do. Even though it is more of a personal challenge my friends that lift with me will always still push me and make me better than I am. Every one of us wants to be better than the other one and without that I wouldn’t get better as fast and I would slack. So my friends even though I don’t depend on them directly I still depend one them indirectly and psychologically to push me to my goals. Lifting also is something to take my mind off things and lets me forget all the bad things that go on in the day. If I messed up during the day I know I can go lift and not mess up, the only bad work out is the one that doesn’t happen.