I believe that Americans abuse the First Amendment. Their opportunity to have of freedom of speech can sometimes lead to them criticizing things without any background knowledge of the topic that they are stating their opinions about it.
I believe that people shouldn’t criticize things when they have little amount of knowledge about the topic in any situation; but I’ll talk about America. Americans like to talk about how good or how bad America’s beliefs, laws, and citizens are. I bet you an apple pie that if you don’t ask about their opinions and ask about the facts instead they would say much.
I had many experiences where I would have to sit at the dinner table with adults holding their heads up high, and going on this whole vicious rant about America and its beliefs in a negative way. For instance, one of these adults asked me “What do I think about America’s future.” My response, “ I have no freakin clue, I cannot say my opinion about something I don’t know enough on, I can try to give you something, but it would be pointless.”
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not completely oblivious of what’s going on in America. I educated myself after I realized that I should know what’s going on in my country. I love that in America we are able to voice our thoughts and have them be heard. I love how even though you might not believe in someone’s else’s opinion can say what you feel and have a civil conversation with them, or you can simply nod your head and walk away .It’s all about choice. I just don’t like how adults think it’s alright to belittle and undermine young minds like mine .Just because I don’t have enough knowledge to talk when in reality they most likely don’t have any knowledge either. You should not abuse the freedom of speech to go rant about what you feel to seem smart or empowered you should do it with good intensions and the right facts. I believe in facts.