As a young child, the thought of a jolly old man with rose cheeks in an oversized red suede jumpsuit coming down your chimney in the middle of the night to put presents under your beautifully lite Christmas tree is kind of terrifying. However, this man, St. Nick or Santa Clause brings joy to many. There is something about his character that makes people happier and it brings a sense of community. Everyone helps out each other and there are random acts of kindness every day during this season. Whether he is real or not, it’s his spirit that makes this time of year one of the most pleasant times.
When I was a child, I can remember having one of those countdown calendars until Christmas and every day I was more than excited to open it as each day got closer and closer until when Santa would come. I have one older brother, so obviously he knew before I did that Santa was not real. He used to tease me about still believing in Santa. He would tell me, “You know Mom and Dad are the ones that put everything under the tree, there’s no way one man could fly around the whole world in one night. You are so stupid Megan.” No matter what he said, I never gave up hope.
By the time it was Christmas Eve, every year I would write Santa a long appreciative letter telling him how thankful I was for everything he does and how I better have gotten everything I wanted. I would even wrap him up one of my favorite Bernstein Bears books. Also, I never forgot the milk and cookies for Santa, and carrots for his reindeer left by the tree. I thought that he did so much for everyone else, that he deserved some presents too. At the time, I never noticed that the letter I found from Santa the next morning was in my Dad’s handwriting or that the book I gave Santa somehow magically ended up on my shelf the next week.
Eventually my childish ways faded and so did my belief in the Santa that came door to door, or chimney to chimney, every December 25th. However, his spirit still brings joy to everyone, including myself. I still get excited when December 1st comes around and I get to start my countdown. This has got to be my favorite time of the year.
Charlie from the movie the Santa Clause said it best, “Just because you can’t see something, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.” Just because there is no real man that comes around with his eight reindeer does not mean you can’t believe in the spirit of Santa, because if you can’t tell by the smile on everyone’s faces during the Christmas season, the idea of Santa is definitely real.
I believe in Santa.