I truly believe in happiness. I believe that everyone on this earth should be happy. No one should be sad, depressed, or lonely. I believe that you have to move on from the past to be happy in the present; to live your life to the fullest is to move on from the past. But, I do believe you can use what has happened in your past to make a happy future.
My dad was a drug addict and is an alcoholic. I remember going to AA meetings and watching him go through detox, it made me very depressed. It’s hard to watch someone you love go through something like that, it is hard to watch and understand. I was always checking on him to make sure he was doing okay. But, no matter how hard I would try he would always relapse. I have to say the worst feeling is knowing that after all that energy you spent go down the drain.
I literally felt like I had to stop my life, so my dad could go forward in his. People would always tell me that I needed to “think about myself” or “move on”, but how can as a daughter let her father ruinv his life to this horrible things. How could I live with myself knowing that I did not even try to help. For me I could not, it just was not possible. I could not sleep, eat, focus, nothing, all I wanted to do was make my dad better.
Then I’m not sure what happened but I woke up and realized that everyone was right. I did need to focus on myself, and the only way I could help my dad was by loving him and being there for him when he needed me.
Now, of course I will always be there for my dad no matter and I love him with all my heart, but I need to make myself happy first. I have used what I have gone through to make my life better. I am going to school to become a nurse, and then I plan on helping recovering drug addicts and alcoholics better their lives.