I believe in the afterlife. If you have had a relative or someone you know pass away, do you think that they will be in a better place or that there is no afterlife and you simply just die? Don’t you want to imagine that when you die you go somewhere else or just lay in a coffin? I know that there is an afterlife, if there wasn’t then why would there be such a place called heaven or why would people believe in ghost? Whether you believe in heaven, hell, purgatory or even ghost, you believe in the afterlife.Every time I find a penny, I believe that it is one of my relatives looking down on me and watching over me. If there was not an afterlife then how can people explain all the paranormal things happen to them or what they have seen? There are so many stories about people experiencing ghost or some form of spirit; those are not all just coincidences. I believe when you die your spirit leaves your body, so your spirit has to go somewhere. One of the main reasons I believe in the afterlife is back to the penny thing. Whenever I’m in a bad mood or frustrated at someone or something, I always seem to find a penny head side up. I watched this show and this person said that every time she finds one that means someone is looking down on her, so that was always in the back of my mind. It coincidently every time I am having a problem or bad day that I also find one.Everyone wants to believe that there is an afterlife and that they will go to heaven. You never want to believe that when you die you just die in your body lays there forever. What is the point in life if there is no afterlife and you don’t meet the person that made you and finally all your questions are answered? Eventually all of us will know the answer.