I believe in the amendment, the right to bare arms. Our amendments were wrote and declared for a reason, not just for the heck of it onto just have so many Amendments. When our founding fathers wrote our Amendments they gave them a lot of thought. When we were given the right to bare arms it was an Amendment that we were intended to keep. Your never hear of any one wanting to do a way with are first Amendment. Ore first Amendment which states that we have the freedom of: speech, Religion, press, assembly. Know why would anyone want to give up their freedom of speech?Every one has opinion in this country having that express you r opinion.I believe that doing away with the right to bare arms would be the same giving up our freedom of speech. Why is the the right to bare arms is important to me? It is important to me opinion everyone needs to be able to own a fire arm so that they are able to protect their family, home, or land.The same reason that the right to bare arms was important to the people before us is the same reasons I listed before. The government gave us the right to bare arms, and now they want to take it away. I believe that if the take away our right to bare arms then they are missing with a part of our history. These amendments molded our country, and I believe we should keep them as long as we are a country of one.If the try to take are bare arms there would be a another civil war , cause people are very strong in there beliefs, and they will fight for what they want, they have proved this with the first civil war and they did fight for what they believe in they lost a lot of good men in the Clive war.They are mint a lot more the just for harm we use them in hunting, top shot, ECT. Some people use this weapons every day for many different reasion,I use mine to hunt and just play a round and if we are no allow to own one I can not do any of this.What would are four father think of use to day a is why I believe we should keep The Right to Bare Arms.